Tag Archives: Aaron

Maison de Poulet

By Nick Storrs

Over the last couple weeks it has been blatantly apparent that the chickens have been out growing their indoor space in the Brickhouse.  It was time to build them a bigger and better house so they could live outside. I started by looking into designs of chicken tractors because we need a way to move them from the farm back into the much more protected Nursery every night.  Aaron, my good friend Hunter, and I created a tractor that could be attached to the back of the golf carts we use here at Randall’s Island. Aaron helped develop a great way in which the top half (the red part) can be lifted off in order to allow for easy cleaning and Hunter offered the idea of a roof panel which can be lifted to allow us to collect eggs when the hens are little older. We built it up on a pair of old wheelbarrow wheels and laid a hardware mesh floor which will allow the chickens to fertilize the ground we place the coop over. It also helps things to stay a little cleaner.

Jeff and Aaron also helped me build a great coop in the Nursery out of two sections of discarded chain link fencing. The chicken tractor can slip right into it at night to help keep any raccoons which might be prowling around a little further away.

On Tuesday with a little paint and roofing shingles, I put the final touches on the tractor. In the spirit of the Casa Verde, we are happy to present you with our new addition to farm; The Maison de Poulet!

The Maison de Poulet

If you have any designs or ideas for a great chicken tractor please feel encouraged to share them in the comments.

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